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September 11, 2011

Remembering 911

I know that today is a very sad day for so many people. That day 10 years ago is still itched in my memory and I wasn't even there. But I think that has the world watched we all had a piece of our hearts, our security, and dignity taken away from us. Knowing that this would only be something that we could see in a movie, and here it is, real and happening in front of us.

I remember wanting to go home for the summer with my then 3 year old child to visit my folks for the summer. My hubby was going away to London on business and I just wanted to leave our apartment and not be alone. I decided to go 3 days prior of the 911 attacks and I have thanked God many times that I made that choice. My hubby headed out the day before, so I thought I would leave early too. Little did we know that just 3 days later the world would be watching such a horrific event unfold and that it would touch our lives living here in Canada. With all that happened airports shut down, flights delayed, flights grounded and now while I look back on it all, I wonder how would I have dealt with all that ciaos. Not knowing what was wrong, wondering if someone on the flight was going to do something alarming. I don't know how I could have cooped with a 3 year old child, consoling him that everything was okay while uncertainty closed in all around me. We all know that the folks involved in the actual attacks were the worst victims here, but the effects of this day must have been great on all those who were still flying that day and think of those who were lost in the plane crashes.  With family living in the Bronx and not knowing where they were, we were gravely concerned.  To later be informed that all was okay and they were safe, was another reminder of all the phone calls that didn't end so happily. While my family and I watched in horror all I could do was cry and thank God for my safety, but pray constantly for the safety of those who were lost in those buildings. For God to make Himself real in this time of desperate need and for there to be some since of hope. Like our Pastor spoke this morning, America got Religion that day. No, not the do's and don'ts that we all associate church and religion with, but a knowing and understanding of an Almighty God who loves and cares for His people.

I have read some amazing stories of how God came near to the heart of man that day and have been truly inspired to hug a little longer, to laugh a little louder, encourage until you have no more words to say, and to love a little deeper.

To all those touched bye that horrific day, my hearts go out to you. So many lives lost and so many hurts remain. I pray that God will encompass you. That He will fill you with a knowing that you are His, and that in Him you can place your trust for each tomorrow. That fear will be no more and that you can walk in the light of His Love, knowing that he works all things for your good. Romans 8:28

I just wanted to share this video with you to encourage and to remind you that there can be hope in the remembering. And with hope comes strength for a better, brighter tomorrow!

Please turn on your volumn. Thanks.

In my thoughts & prayers always!

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